We were Mr & Mrs problem at the airport. At check-in we were informed we couldn't just have a one way ticket to Peru. After a lot of questions we were taken to the airline's inner sanctum where they cobbled together tickets from Peru to Chile for us. Then our carry-on bag half full of 6 months supply of vitamins, first aid, antibiotics and my prescription medication had the security person completely flustered. Finally we made it through and these characters were running around. (Punta Cana, Oct 29)
A giant bubble bath for a crowd. (Punta Cana, Oct 26)

We came across the largest permanent collection of Barbies (1,000) in a gallery within the Underground City of tunnels that connected retail, offices, hotels and the metro. The dolls were dressed for all walks of life and ethnicities from everyday outfits to haute couture styles by world renowned designers. (Montreal, Oct 10)