Lamberts Cafe-home of the "throwed rolls"... Putting your hands up indicated you want an oven fresh, warm roll tossed to you. Some were lobbed fully across the restaurant. (Sikeston, MO, May 21)
This seems a good seguay to our RV being named with part home-on-wheels, part diner & part pub in mind ... "The Roadhouse"
Rural Missouri covered the spectrum; the byways were hypnotic with gently rolling hills and trees hugging the roadsides, homes were often stately on sprawling lawns, but drives through some small towns were often sad with half shuttered main street businesses and homes that looked like a gentle wind could blow them over. (Missouri, May 12)
We were free to wander this 1836-2004 prison, including the gas chamber & dungeon-24hrs/day darkness. Our tour guide was the retired warden. His stories of the prison conditions, punishments and desperate measures inmates would take for drugs or escapes were chilling. (Jefferson City, MO, May 11)